Leadership and Management through Self Exploration: An Inner Awakening
Learn about yourself and explore your strengths and weaknesses by surveying your VIPS (Values, Interests, Personality, Skills). When you know your VIPS, you make more informed choices about life/careers. Knowing yourself is the key to a higher understanding of yourself, and the universe. It can also lead you on a path to spiritual development; if that is what you are looking for. Many people go through life putting on masks. That phony smile, or having to pretend to like people, or someone in particular, like your boss, or mother- in law.
By repeatedly having to cover up your true feelings (emotions) throughout your lifetime you are shoving down your emotions -hiding them. By so doing you can lose who you really are and might take on other people feelings as your own because you have stripped away parts of your inner self. It's not just with being false about liking people, places, and things to please others, but by just the process of having to conform to a particular religion, or belief in something full heartedly that you question; but aren't allowed to voice your opinion without receiving the black sheep medal! By closing yourself up and putting on a mask all day, everyday causes many problems for people, failing to stand up and be their true self.
What kind of problems can arise? A whole host of problems, with health, and judgments that we will make because we failed to be true to yourself. For one thing our solar plexus chakra will be affected, which can lead to health difficulties in that area, in particular that relate to that chakra point for balance of energies, and wellness of body and mind. How well do we really know ourselves? Addressing this question and exploring the self would be the prime objective of this paper. Many of us are not happy with the current state of functioning as an individual, but how many of us have really taken that extra step to improve this situation. In this paper we will discuss the need, content, self-exploration processes for problem solving for leaders, listening to one's inner voice, and experimental validation of self-exploration.
This paper will help readers develop a better understanding of themselves by working on their strength and weaknesses. And by this way only leadership and management practices can be improved.