Spirituality and Skill for Leadership towards Sustainable Management
This paper discusses the skills and spiritual dimension in business ethics, leadership and sustainability management. Spirituality is understood as a meaning which connects people with all living beings and/or God/Ultimate Reality. In this sense, spirituality is a vital source in a socio-economic life. Whereas Skill is a
derivation of education and talent, which leads a person to perform better and exert authority. The paper studies how skills and spirituality contribute to transforming contemporary management theories and practices. It discusses new leadership roles responsibilities that emerge for sustainability in business and
shows how leaders can be inspired by skills and spirituality in a meaningful way.The concerns regarding this business issue has long existed, but it has been voiced with an increased urgency in recent years as a result of numerous business scandals, global financial crises, and a voluntary increasing unsustainable
focus on market growth.To be true to this point of view, sustainability in management should help develop a mind-set where we are able to converge skill, spirituality and sustainable practices. Taking this point of view in addressing sustainability, management requires a more holistic perspective—one that interludes skills, spirituality and its relationship to leadership.