Language of the Heart: Profit-Oriented Management vs Spiritual Values for Quality Treatment and Cost Containment in Health Care

  • L. M. (Malini) Frey Faculty, Amrita Darshanam International Center for Spiritual Studies, & Amrita Center for International Studies. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
  • Meera S. R Sanskirt Lecturer. School of Art and Sciences, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Keywords: Spiritual Value, Health Care


Organizational unrestrained greed is spreading throughout the world causing harm to millions of people and the environment, leading to a loss of trust in business, and can create particular havoc in the health care system. Stemming from a domineering, exclusive paradigm of profit-maximization, it serves a few at the expense of many. Replacing this outdated model with mediating higher spiritual principles that represent dharma, discrimination, and compassion, is necessary to heal the wounds inflicted upon the world by greed, to resurrect quality and affordable health care, and to reshape and redirect firm objectives. Drawing from the Bhagavad Gita we explore the nature of greed and destructiveness and then offer three propositions: 1) conditions influencing organizational greed are fueled by unrestrained desires; 2) profit-oriented health care increases risks of patient exploitation and decreases quality of care, and 3) spiritual-value driven leadership in health care is more inclusive, enhancing patient care, providing cost containment, and hospital prosperity. Evidence supports the perspective that spiritual leadership in health care is greatly advantageous in advancing far-reaching optimal care and in promoting dynamic, creative success. Finally, a noteworthy unanticipated theme emerged that the absence or presence of awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings appeared to influence managerial behaviors. Those with no awareness engaged in destructive, greed-induced behaviors, and those with awareness inspired wholesome, uplifting behaviors that served many.
