Participant Perceptions of the Influence of Spiritual and Human Values Education on their Behaviour, Character and Leadership Potential- A Qualitative Research Study

  • Nanduri Venkata Satyanarayana Ph.D. Scholar, AMET University, Chennai, India
  • B. Madhavan Professor, AMET Business School, AMET University, Chennai
Keywords: Perceptions, Human Values, Character, Leadership


This study explores the relevance of spiritual and moral education in promoting human excellence which includes academic achievements as well as moral and spiritual perceptions enabling character development for good leadership. This qualitative research approach was designed and conducted to elicit the participant perceptions on the influence of a system of spiritual and human values education (SSE) for children. The findings showed that the participants gained clarity of career and life goals, improvements in character such as discipline, calming mind and concentration, values in life, self-less service to community, relation building, self- control, self-regulation , better interpersonal relations, and good leadership qualities, as a result of their SSE training. The findings were observed to be in line with findings in similar studies conducted elsewhere contributing to the body of knowledge.
