An Assessment of Organizational Culture of Gedu College of Business Studies, Bhutan

  • Yangzom Gedu College of Business Studies, Bhutan
  • Phub Dorji Gedu College of Business Studies, Bhutan
Keywords: Organizational culture, organizational culture assessment instrument, competing values framework, Gedu College of Business Studies


The pretest-only survey design using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument was administered to 96 staff members of Gedu
College of Business Studies, Royal University of Bhutan. The result shows the presence of market culture in the college, indicating
competition as the key aspect driving the daily functioning of the college. In addition, individual development seems to be a priority for
each staff member. On the other hand, the analysis reveals that clan culture is indicated as the preferred culture. Employees look forward
to working in teams founded on loyalty and trust. In view of these findings, it is intelligible for the management to shift towards clan-oriented
culture as desired by its employees to fulfill its vision of a value-driven business education institute.

Author Biography

Yangzom, Gedu College of Business Studies, Bhutan



How to Cite
Yangzom, & Phub Dorji. (2021). An Assessment of Organizational Culture of Gedu College of Business Studies, Bhutan. Management Insight, 17(02), 15-20.