An Evaluation of Financial Performance of Merchant Banking Activities of SBI Capital Markets Limited

  • Priya Singh Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Keywords: Merchant bankers, SBI Capital Markets Ltd., Securities, Financial Performance


Merchant Banking is a function that work as a financial intermediary between investor and corporate customer. Along with these it helps various corporate companies, financial instructions and others for issue management. Merchant banking are playing vital role in the growth of economies. Due to merchant banking the needs of the investors, entrepreneurs and corporate sector are identified and advise them what to do to be successful. Merchant banking is a service-oriented function, that transfer capital from who owns to those who can use it. Some companies have built their strong image and some are trying in this field to be successful. Now it is also important to study the financial performance of merchant banking in India. This study aims to explore the existing financial health of merchant banking services of SBI Capital Markets Ltd. in merchant banking activities. The selected merchant bank emphasizes on categorization of merchant bankers and in this direction the merchant bank which comes under the purview of category-I registration with Securities Exchange Board of India has been chosen to appraise the performance.

Author Biography

Priya Singh, Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Research Scholar


How to Cite
Priya Singh. (2022). An Evaluation of Financial Performance of Merchant Banking Activities of SBI Capital Markets Limited. Management Insight, 18(01), 73-82.