Examining the relationship between the Role of Personality Traits and Work-Life Balance
The aim of the paper is to analyse the significance of work life balance factors of IT Sector of NCR on the basis of their personality traits.
This study is based on primary method of data collection.. Data was collected through questionnaire method of 350 employees working in
IT sector. Questionnaires was based on demographic characteristic, work- life factors and personality traits. First the Big five Personlity
traits were analysed, then ANOVA was used to measure significance between BFP and work-life factors. Results suggest that
agreeableness were the most balanced one trait while other traits faced challenges and conflict in managing work and life. Secondly in the
analysis it was determined that there was significant relation between personality and work and life balance factors. This means
personality is one of the important factor that directly or indirectly affects work and life. This findings will help organization in managing
employee work-life interface for maximizing individual and organizational outcomes by knowing their personality trait. The study is
limited to the only employees of NCR so results cannot be generalized.
Keywords: Big five Personality (BFP), Work-life, work-family, personality, organization culture, work family conflict.
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