Effectiveness of Garbage Collector in .Net Framework
Garbage Collector, .Net Framework
Garbage collection in the Microsoft .NET common language runtime environment completely absolves the developer from tracking memory usage and knowing when to free memory. However, it is necessary to understand how it works. This article on .NET garbage collection explains how resources are allocated and managed and gives a detailed step-by-step description of how the garbage collection algorithm works. Also discuss the way resources can clean up properly when the garbage collector decides to free a resource's memory and how to force an object to clean up when it is freed.
How to Cite
Prof Nripendra Dwivedi, & Mr. Ajay Tripathi. (2020). Effectiveness of Garbage Collector in .Net Framework. Management Insight, 3(2), 97-100. Retrieved from http://journals.smsvaranasi.com/index.php/managementinsight/article/view/192