Attrition challenges of Drivers in Prime Logistics in Bhiwadi (Guwahati), West Assam
Mr. Shubham (Protagonist and Entrepreneur) has started his transport company in 2019 focussing on providing good and timely services
to their customer. In October2021, he found that 6 drivers have left out of 26 in this month which was an alarming situation for the
sustainability of his company. He immediately called up his manager Mr. Ajay to know the reason for attrition. He always believed in
providing help to his staff as and when required for their family and medical emergencies. The compensation paid to his drivers in case of
accidents and medical emergencies maximum amounting to rs 25000/-.annually. He holds a management degree and wants to re-work on
his business strategies and business model so that it comes out to be innovative and sustainable in nature.
In the early morning of October 10th, 2021, the phone bell rang when Shubham owner of Prime Logistics and Services limited, was
entering his cabin. He picked up the phone it was a call from his old customer complaining of the non-delivery of the consignment. This
incident has happened thrice in 2 weeks receiving complaints of non-delivery or delay in delivery of products. He wondered what was
happening in the company? He called a meeting with his manager Ajay, who looks after the customer relations and a decision-maker on
behalf of him. He wanted an immediate action into the matter. Ajay, the very day elaborated on the issue, he was confronting with the
drivers in past few weeks as some of them have left without notice. He wondered what was the sudden reason for attrition among them?
Shubham established his new enterprise in March 2019 and followed the same principle of retaining the truck drivers which his father, Mr.
Vinod (business-man) did to gain their commitment and loyalty. He provided them with all the benefits and facilities to increase their
well-being. He thought that if the attrition rate of drivers increased on the similar scale it will surely create a sudden impact on the
performance and good-will of the company. He proposed a meeting with Ajay (decision maker), backend team and Union leader to meet
at 10am to discuss about the upcoming challenge. The next day, the owner, manager and the union leader met at the fixed time to discuss
about the issue as decided. The backend team also while during conversation complained of not able to manage the trip with the drivers. It
was found that to retain drivers now had become a huge task? It is due to they are looking for a better opportunity and there is a need to rework with the HR policies which should aim at retention and overall development of their staff. He wants to know what are the factors
responsible for drivers attrition in the company and its percentage rate of declining in the near future so that they can forecast the short fall
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