Health Care Services in India-An overview
The healthcare system in India is as old as Indian civilization. During the British colonial rule Indian Indigenous system of medicine was neglected. However the state of neglect did not continue for a long time. They undertook systemization of health services. After independence Indian government took the path of mixed economy in which both private and public sector could excel. The major step for satisfactory health care in India was the appointment of the Bhore committee (1943-48). This was a landmark in the evolution of healthcare services in India. The committee chalks out a plan for the development of a nation-wide healthcare system and outlined a comprehensive action programme. After independence we inherited a shattered economy. In the beginning government imposed high custom duties on imported medical equipment making it difficult for private individuals to set up hospitals that provided specialized treatment. There were very few privately run large hospitals. The World Bank led economic reforms (1991 on words) set in a trend where the private sector has taken control of the health sector in India. The private sector investment in the healthcare industry really took off in the 1990’s after the liberalization of the economy. About 20 years back, it was difficult to save patient from heart disease as then those days there was no specialty hospital. The healthcare system today is significant business activities as healthcare organization make their decision about service line expansion on anticipated market growth and revenues. Since a long time there is a constant debate about the viability of specialized hospitals because setting up such hospital involves large fiscal outlay. The cost of providing hi-tech, diagnostic involve the purchase of modern technology, further high end surgical procedures, transplants have lead to the advent of corporate hospital single/ multispecialty hospital. India is predicted to become a major health destination for the foreign patient in few years. Government and private hospitals are working hand in hand to attract the increasing number of patients from abroad, promoting tie up with foreign doctors, insurance providers and even foreign governments. India enjoys a unique position. Today most healthcare organizations are working on bringing down costs. Indian government classifying medical tourism as an industry and making it parts of the tourism plan. The major advantage of healthcare services in India is its cost effectiveness and competency along with the attraction of patients from abroad. India must leverage its competitive edge, especially its cost effectiveness and competency along with the attraction of patients from abroad. India’s healthcare services Industry is prepared to become a major driver of economic growth.