Evaluation Framework for an ERP System using Balanced Scorecard Approach

  • SUDHANSHU JOSHI Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar Uttarakhand (INDIA)
  • MANU SHARMA Lecturer IFTM Muradabad
Keywords: ERP, Balanced Scorecard


The overall purpose of this study is to explore whether BSC can be a better indicator to measure ERP system performance and how the initial objectives of ERP implementation affect the later ERP performance. In addition to this the study analyzes, the relations between financial and non-financial perspectives in an ERP Environment.

How to Cite
SUDHANSHU JOSHI, & MANU SHARMA. (2020). Evaluation Framework for an ERP System using Balanced Scorecard Approach. Management Insight, 4(2), 36-46. Retrieved from http://journals.smsvaranasi.com/index.php/managementinsight/article/view/301