• Pramod Pathak Professor & Head, Department of Management Studies, Indian School of Mines, Dhanad (Jharkhand)
  • Preshita Neha Tudu Senior Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Indian School of Mines, Dhanad (Jharkhand)
  • Namrata Pathak Doctorate & Independent consultant based at Muscat (Oman)
Keywords: Management, Teaching, Effectiveness


Teaching management is increasingly becoming important as the need for the management teachers as
well as demand for effective managers grows. However, how management needs to be taught has not
been given the kind of attention that should have been. Apart from the basic teaching skills there are
certain specifics that need to be addressed because teaching management is different in several aspects.
A management teacher has to understand that teaching about management and teaching the art of
managing are different. Most management teachers end up teaching about management rather than
about managing. This difference must be borne in mind before management can be taught effectively.
There is need to first understand what management is all about. Interestingly there is more confusion
then clarity and definitions galore hardly help. Management being an inter-disciplinary subject a wider
appreciation of social sciences is required. Management teachers must first enrich themselves with the
allied disciplines like Economics, Political Science, Commerce, Sociology, etc. Psychology of course is the
most important of the disciplines for managers. The present article deals with the issue elaborately.

How to Cite
Pramod Pathak, Preshita Neha Tudu, & Namrata Pathak. (2020). MAKING MANAGEMENT TEACHING EFFECTIVE - ISSUES AND CHALLENGES. Management Insight, 11(1), 1-5. Retrieved from