Today organizations are facing huge challenges on human resources in India due to Globalization.
Challenges regarding retention of human resources, developing the human resources and ultimately
satisfying them are the crucial challenges for the organizations under the conditions of globalization.
The people are the most important assets of the organizations and they need to be nurtured incessantly
to be more effective in this challenging environment. The role of Human Resource Development is very
crucial in this context. We all know that the dynamic people can build dynamic organizations.
Organizations always achieve results if they have competent and motivated people who can deliver.
Therefore organizations should continuously ensure the dynamism, competency, motivation and
effectiveness of the employees at high levels. A study on Human Resource Development(HRD) climate may
enlighten us whether the organizations are really ensuring the dynamism, motivation, competency and
effectiveness of the employees or not. This paper is based on the study of HRD Climate at Bokaro Steel
Plant. It focuses on overall HRD climate and the perceptions of executives and non executives on HRD
climate factors. HRD climate of an organization can be measured by OCTAPAC factors (depicted by Prof
T.V.Rao). In this study seven factors of OCTAPAC have been used in the questionnaire. A HRD climate
survey was done among the 60 executives and 140 non executives(Total sample size was 200) of the Plant.
The main objectives of this study were to examine the existing HRD climate at Bokaro Steel Plant and
to measure the satisfaction level of the executives and non executives of the company towards existing
HRD practices. After analysis of data it was found that the employees of the Bokaro Steel plant are satisfied
on some factors while being dissatisfied on some other factors. Also, the executives and non executives
have different perceptions regarding OCTAPAC factors.