Social Media Usage By International Trainees And Its Impact On Entrepreneurship In The Case of EDII

  • Ephrem Tefera Gonfa Chief Editor, Oromia Broadcasting Network (OBN), Ethiopia-Oromia
Keywords: Attitude, Social Media, Entrepreneurship


This research investigated about social media usage by international trainees and its impact on
entrepreneurship in the case of EDII as of 2011 E.C having 59 total informants joined ITEC program from 30
countries. 26 sample sizes identified with stratified sampling technique and descriptive survey method and
chi-square analysis were employed. In the study sample size 61.5% was male and 38.5% were females.
According to chi-square the post of new products on social media has an association with an attitude of
entrepreneurship. The result revealed that there is an association between gender and attitude on starting
own business. 62% of the participants use any Social Media platform for business, whereas 54% used for
entrepreneurial purpose. According to the findings Social Media triggered to start their own enterprise
(Intention) (62%), and 65% informants will start their own business within the consecutive years till 2022.
The study indicated that majority females rejected the social media role to commence business than men
(73.35%) and females are not ready to start own business through social media platforms in the coming three
