Entrepreneurial Workforce Diversifcation For Its Development And Challenges – Past And Future

  • K. Pragathi, Research Scholar Rayalaseema University
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Workforce Diversification, Development, Challenges


From the centuries, it is primary belief that workforces for the organization are important and they can't be
substituted. It differentiate the what exactly organization is. But with changes in the external environment
like globalization the workforce's tremendous shift in their nature towards work and the skill sets which
makes the business organizations now paying utmost attention to judge the available workforce in 3
categories .i.e. Skilled, Semi-skilled and unskilled such that the best knowledge & skill can be captured and
utilized for the developing of organizational competitive advantage. Thus the current paper through a light
on how the workforce (skilled) developed with changes taken place from past few generations and further
what challenges there are going to be encountered.
