Women Entrepreneurs Developing Platform by Web Based Advertising (WBA)

  • Dr. Bhagwan Singh, Head of Department, Chairman HoD, Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management [M&SCM] Chairman, Management Research Circle, SBMS, CUHP, Chairman, Management Society, SBMS, CUHP School of Business & Management Studies [SBMS], Central University of Himachal Pradesh [CUHP] TAB Shahpur, Dharamshala, H. P.
Keywords: Women Entrepreneurs, Web Based Advertising


Women entrepreneurs are getting acquainted with the latest technologies by using Internet. They are taming
themselves to fight in this virtual competitive world. The internet world is helping as a support system to
these leading ladies. SNS i.e. Social Networking sites, WBA (Web based Advertising) and Internet Based
Marketing (IBM) are the new bases on which women are developing to get through their enterprises on
world scenario. There are vast opportunities for women entrepreneurs on Virtual World to lead their
enterprise and one more tool they are using is Internet Based activities.
This paper is an attempt to compare the previous studies with the current scenario and to explain the benefits
which may be availed by WBA in the development of women entrepreneurship and Women entrepreneurs.
