Analysis of Eco-labels for Green Washing in North Indian States

  • Bhagwan Singh, Associate Professor & Head of Department Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management , School of Business & Management Studies ,Central University of Himachal Pradesh
  • Sachin Kumar Research Scholar And Assistant Professor (Guest Faculty) University Business School, Central University of Himachal Pr
Keywords: Eco-lables, Green Washing, North India


The objective of this research is to study the appropriateness of eco-labels for delivering the same benefits as
claimed. This research paper ignites custofaction i.e. customer satisfaction by evaluating the reality of ecolabels.
The research findings illustrate that people were satisfied by the delivery of same benefits as
promised. According to people of North India the preaching and practicing activities of the green companies
were same. The eco-labels were analysed and findings suggested that green washing was not prominent in
North Indian States.
It has been found that eco-labels on products influence the buyers to look for eco-friendly products in
market. About 78% of the respondents(majority of females)agreed that information on eco-labels was upto
the expectations, as females are more concerned about the environmental safeguard.
The research claims on eco-labels are found truthful. People believe in the authenticity of preaching and
practising activities of companies for eco-labels in a developing country like India. This research will help
business enterprises to understand the consumer reaction towards eco-labelled products. The findings of
this research may be useful for the marketers to increase the sale of eco-labelled products, providing more
