An Evaluative study of the E-governance Model of Gujarat State of India

  • K.V. Solanki, Associate Professor Anand Commerce College, Anand
Keywords: E-governance, Gujarat, Technology


Ours is an age of Science, Technology and Management. Technology has changed many things of the world.
Changing in government administrative structure is one of the effects of it. Government of Gujarat has taken
a giant shape especially in administration structure by use of e-governance. Today, Gujarat Government
Focuses on growth and development of new and emerging technology areas. It has been increasingly using
the information and communication Technologies to offer citizen burred service as per convenient location
with an initiative to improve the reach, make services more transparent and reduce time with reducing costs.
The government is also proactive in its initiatives and ranks first state in the country to have made e-
Governance functional in all its Municipalities and Municipal Corporations. Gujarat Government
promotes information sharing with the citizen by way of display and disclosure of information of large
number of functional departments and their subordinate organizations through their respective websites
which act as 'Information Tools' in the State. State Government has adopted Innovative, constructive and
result oriented progressive policies for the promotion of e-governance in the State. Through the Nodal
Agency, the Government's Science and Technology Department positions Gujarat, as a Key State in the
knowledge Economy sector and acts as a medium to make government-citizen Interface more effective,
transparent and efficient. Gujarat is an aspiring leader with e-readiness initiatives with the IT Policy 2006-
2011. Gujarat has been position at L2 stage in Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) which is
categorized based on Environment, Readiness and Usage of Applications. It stands as an aspiring leader
ranking to 31st Top Hotspots in the world and minimizing to reach the goal.
