Environmentally Sustainable Business Strategies : A Case Study of Infosys

  • Mukund Chandra Mehta, Asstt. Professor University Dept. of Commerce and Business Management ,Ranchi University, Ranchi
  • Payal Mehandiratta, Research Scholar University Dept. of Commerce and Business Management ,Ranchi University
Keywords: Environment, Sustainability, Business Stategies, Infosys


The term ' Sustainable Development' refers to "Development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Environmental Sustainability' is
another angle of Sustainable Development and is all about preserving natural environment in the long run
.To achieve this businesses need to make responsible decisions that will reduce their negative impact on the
environment. When it comes to environmental conservation, Infosys, as a global leader in consulting,
technology and outsourcing solutions has always been at the forefront. In this analysis we have studied
environmentally sustainable, eco-friendly and green practices taken up by Infosys, India's one of the
leading IT giants. We will be analyzing various sustainability initiatives that Infosys has undertaken so far to
achieve significant resource savings.
