Future of e-Commerce in India: Innovations and Challenges

  • Deepa Shrivastwa, Professor Department of Economics, A.P.S. University, Rewa (M.P.)
  • Rachana Singh, Research Scholar A.P.S. University, Rewa (M.P)
Keywords: E-Commerce, Innovation, India


Internet has become an integral part of growing urban Indian population. Various factors have been driving
this trend like change in life style, increase in the number of smart phone users, high internet penetration
level, cheap internet subscription price, etc. In last two years India has seen the exceptional growth in e-
Commerce which has changed the shopping experience of customer. Retail environment is now highly
influenced by new digital models which are becoming more conventional. At the same time, in developing
nation like India e-Commerce companies face many challenges due to low literacy level, privacy and
security issues, urban-rural division, language issues, lack of proper distribution channels, etc. This paper
gives an overview of the future of e-Commerce in India and discusses the innovations which will help in the
growth of e-Commerce in India. And represent the various challenges in the e-Commerce eco system. In this
paper we found that the overall e-Commerce will increase exponentially in coming years in emerging
market of India.
