An Enterprenuerial Approach for Revival: A Case Study of IFCI

  • Hemant Kumar Yadav, Assistant Professor Assistant Professor, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi
Keywords: Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR), Credit Enhancement Guarantee Scheme, IFCI


The Industrial Finance Corporation of India is the first development financial institution established on 1st
July 1948 to cater a long term financial needs of the Indian industries by act of parliament. The main
objective of this development financial institution is to promote Entrepreneurial thinking of the different
sectors in Indian Industries. Since from 1947, IFCI supported wide variety of Indian industries through its
financial resources as well as advisory services to create a huge difference from other countries and made
our country developing. In early 1990, after the economic reforms Industrial Finance Corporation of India
is not responding according to the changing scenario, which creates a huge nonperforming assets during
1995 to 2008. To revive again from this dark period, IFCI has adopted entrepreneurial steps by starting
special schemes for project financing and economic development.
IFCI has fulfilled its original mandates as a developing financial institution by providing long term, medium
term and short term financial support to all segments of Indian industries. So the main theme of this paper is
to examine about the project financing, advisory services and promotional schemes started by IFCI to wide
variety of industries and sectors for the revival of itself. It also focuses on development of all the community
and removing regional disparity as well as providing low rate loans to entrepreneurial needs. This research
paper has a great impact on those factors which shows potential performance in coming future years.
