Redesigning the “Office Hours” : The Future of Work

  • Dr. Ujjal Mukherjee, Assistant Professor CMS Business School, Bangalore, India
Keywords: Knowledge workers, attendance, modern work, future work, ideas


The way human being “work” to earn their living has transformed over a period of time. There was a time
when human beings used to go to work but now the work has come to the doorstep , in fact it has occupied its
space in the bed room and on the dining table. We actually pack it as we go out for a family outing .It does not
end there, research shows that we get the best of ideas to solve office problems ,when we are outing, trekking ,
watching TV but the organizations still have the same good, old attendance tracking system. The employers
are still so conscious whether the knowledge employees show in the office and importantly, show on time.
The researcher in this conceptual paper tries to unravel the features of modern and future work. He suggests
a method which can be followed by organizations which can help themto track modern day knowledge work
more effectively.
