Innovations In Housing Finance Sector: In Reference To National Housing Bank

  • Shweta Khemka, Research Scholar Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University
Keywords: Primary Lending Institutions, EWS, LIG


The housing finance sector has been witnessing radical changes in recent times in terms of industry
structure, products, appraisal and recovery norms etc. Aggressive competition in the field of housing
finance has made it imperative that only effective and efficient functioning will be the key to survival and
success in the long run. As the apex housing finance institution of the country, NHB has been monitoring and
regulating the housing finance industry to ensure its growth on sound and healthy lines.
The objective of the paper is to review of existing housing finance products and potential and opportunities
associated with innovations in housing finance products. The programme will address issues like
Productive Housing in Rural Areas, issues related to Reverse Mortgage and Aam Aadmi Awas along with
existing housing finance products.
