Innovations in E-commerce and E- Governance

  • Saurav Kumar, Asst. professor (Management) School of Management Sciences, Varanasi
Keywords: E-governance, E-commerce, Information and communication technologies (ICTs)


For a long yearsago e-Commerce and e-Government applications have made major impacts in their
respective, private and public sector. Few yearsago, wedistinguish of thetwo phenomena. Governments and
public sector organizations around the world arerelying on information and communication
technologies(ICTs) to reform the functionality of the system and provide enhanced service delivery methods
for their citizens living around. E-governanceincludes the effectivenessuse of ICTs, specially the Web-based
online applications, for betterand effective governance and service delivery. Indian government, and other
global counterparts, is using ICT and E-governance as to improve the governance services to their citizens
and to expandgovernance modernization programmes worldwide. This article shows anoverview of the Egovernance
scenario in India. It also observes the capability and willingness of the government torender Eservices
in respect of differentfactors like telecommunication infrastructure, human capital and
webpresence. On thebasis of the assessment, the factors which hinder the E-initiatives development and the
obstaclesfor the successfulimplementation are observed. These barriers are furthercategorized into the
three dimensionsthat determine the E-governance readiness. The study “Innovations in e-commerce and
e-governance”alsoreports on more accurate findings from an ongoing empirical investigation and also to
clarify our understanding of similaritiesand differences between e-Commerceand e-Governmentand their
latest innovations.
