An Assessment of Entrepreneurial Intention among Youth: A Case Study

  • Saurabh Gupta, Senior Research Fellow Faculty of Management studies, Banaras Hindu University
  • Dr. Anurag Singh, Assistant Professor Faculty of Management studies, Banaras Hindu University
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Intention, Youth, India


Entrepreneurship has emerged as a highly vibrant and dynamic career option of global citizens in past few
decades. Entrepreneurship is an engine, which is not only helpful in having the financial independence of an
individual but also contributes to country's economic developmentthrough job creation, revenue generation
and regional development.Despite the high enthusiasm of the sector, Entrepreneurship in India is not able to
accelerate its growth as it has shown the results in few other developing economies like China and Brazil.
Literature says that there are many factors, due to which this sector is unable to show remarkable growth.
Psychological concern, i.e., 'intention to adopt Entrepreneurship as the career option' is one of the major
factors among them.
Varanasi is industrially backward, but educationally rich region of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Four universities
along with several degree and professional colleges in the city are present to deliver the learning platform of
entrepreneurial skills through scholastic courses. Even after the splendid approach of educational
institutions the start-up number is very less in comparison to other cities of Uttar Pradesh. The studies on
entrepreneurship, conducted in this region falls short in explaining the appropriate reasons behind the
sluggish entrepreneurial growth and low entrepreneurial intention.
Considering the background of the studies steered earlier, this study tries to assess the Entrepreneurial
Intention among the Youth of Varanasi.It is an empirical study based on primary data. The data has been
collected from the Varanasi city.This study reveals that Varanasi youth's intention to become entrepreneurs
is influenced by, income class of the family, and family's business background. The study confirmed that
gender makes a difference in entrepreneurial intention but education is not a prime factor in deciding
entrepreneurial intention of Varanasi youth. Further the policy implications based on research findings is
presented in the study followed by the conclusion.
