The Global Trend and challenges to promote entrepreneurship

  • Prof.(Dr.) Rashmi Gujrati, Professor Indus International University, Himachal Pradesh
Keywords: Globalization, Entrepreneurship, Education


Globalization of markets and production has produced many opportunities and new threats for businesses
hitherto accustomed to dominating their domestic markets. Entrepreneurship has been growing rapidly in
the past 20 years. It was strengthen by the increasing number of young generation who choose to be an
entrepreneur instead of working on other people or companies. Mostly, they do not consider
entrepreneurship as the only option to earn income and generate money, but more than that
entrepreneurship is also regarded as one of the way to uphold their values such as beneficial to society,
freedom to manage time and finances, and freedom to define and execute what they want.
The role of Entrepreneurship in economic growth, are about job and wealth creation. Considering the role, it
is important to develop entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship contributes to economic development in all
countries all over the world and has always been a powerful driving force of innovation, productivity, job
creation and economic growth. In recent years, One major challenge is to develop contents and methods
that encourage entrepreneurial learning.
The paper confirms that entrepreneurship education can help promote an entrepreneurial and innovate
culture by changing mindsets and providing the necessary skills. In this way, universities have become
