Business Process Reengineering – A Review on Change Management
With today's highly competitive and rapidly changing world economic marketplace, firms must adopt business process reengineering to
sustain their competitive advantages and increase profitability. BPR is one of the most popular ongoing change management theories as a
solution for firms to improve their performance significantly, upraise their efficiencies, and gain a competitive advantage in this
constantly developing and changing world. BPR usually leads to essential organizational changes in terms of structure and management
processes. This paper aims to explore the change management process through BPR implementation in Radiant Optoelectronics
Company. At the same time, focusing on six interventions, including Open systems planning, Trans-organizational development (TD),
Business process reengineering (BPR), Business Restructuring, Work Redesign, and Socio-technical Systems Approach (STS). Each
intervention is accompanied by its definitions, advantages and disadvantages, and comparison and contrast with other interventions.
These interventions differ from each other primarily in terms of IT innovation, communication environment, and application in product
design and performance. This report recommends BPR as the best intervention for Radiant Company to accomplish its goals because it
emphasizes cost reduction, product and service quality, and organizational system speed. Besides, there is evidence that companies that
implement BPR enjoy significant benefits in improved customer satisfaction, productivity, and profitability. However, this study suggests
that the company must be keen on this strategy since it is time-consuming and may harm people's jobs if proper plans are not done before
implementation. Other issues that the company might experience due to poor planning include lack of sustained management
commitment and leadership, unrealistic scope and expectations, resistance to change, and higher demands
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