Socioeconomic Consequences of Climate Change
This report explains the term' global warming. It details its causes and effects, emphasizing the economic impact of such climate changes
in India and the world. Global warming is a relatively well-known term for most of the human population. It is commonly used by the
educated and is heard of and observed by all of the world. From the layman's perspective, it is evident that the world is much hotter than
ever. Also, it is expected to have far-reaching, long-lasting, and, in many cases, devastating consequences for planet Earth. But, the harsh
reality is that global warming is a seriously misunderstood concept. It is an area that is getting much-needed attention but not that of the
commoner. Its origin, causes, timeline are barely given the importance it deserves, and, consequently, global warming is not getting
attention at the grassroots level. The situation seems to be worsening with the fact that the human population who well know the facts and
consequences of global warming still continue to follow their comfortable lifestyle and ignore the repercussions of anti-environmental
work practices. Thus global warming forms the basis for the report to provide the readers with insight, factual information, and clarity on
the concept of global warming.
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