Impact of Second wave of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Consumption Pattern of Urban Consumers
in India. The lockdown has disrupted the consumption habits of consumers. The study was conducted to assess the impact of the second
wave of COVID-19 on consumption patterns of consumers residing in urban areas of Varanasi and nearby towns.
Methods: The required data were collected through an online survey. The questionnaire to assess the impact of the pandemic on
consumption patterns was sent to urban consumers of Varanasi and nearby towns using google forms. In addition, some of the consumer's
responses were recorded using telephonic interviews. The data collected was analyzed through MS-Excel and Jamovi version 1.6.23
Results/ Findings: It was found that the current pandemic has a significant impact on consumption patterns. The study reveals that most
respondents' spending habits have changed; most spending is on essential items. In addition, consumers have adopted new practices like
many of them have started online purchasing, etc.
Limitations: Due to administrative restrictions and social distancing mandates, a small sample was selected for the study. The study has
taken only urban consumers as a sample.
Managerial Implications: The findings will help marketers search and implement new ways to survive and succeed in a pandemic
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