Livelihood Promotion and Interventions of JEEViKA: A Trend Analysis
The government of India has been investing in various livelihood programs to promote socio-economic empowerment of rural poor for a long period of time. This paper highlights one of the large-scale initiatives of JEEViKA of Bihar government which aims at socio-economic empowerment of rural poor and improving their livelihoods with the help of institutions like SHGs. Based on the JEEViKA Annual Report 2015-20, this paper highlights the five years trend analysis of three interventions i.e., farm intervention, livestock intervention and non-farm intervention of JEEViKA for the livelihood promotion. In this paper a comparative analysis has been done to know about the most effective and trending intervention of JEEViKA. The findings of the study show that the trend of enrollment of SHG HHs in farm intervention is higher than the livestock intervention and non-farm intervention that means rural people are highly enrolled in farm intervention as compared to other two interventions.
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