Challenges Faced by Rural Women in Accessing Credit from Microfinance Institutions- A Case Study of Tengra Morh Village of Varanasi District
Women always play a dual role in the world which includes family and society both. In the developing country like India, Empowerment for women is an essential part which reveals a key concern topic because their role in decision making and participation in economic activities is pretty low. Apart from traditional beliefs that women are only responsible for the home, women were considered as inferior for many years when compared to men’s, today with improvement in status of the women, they are breaking all boundaries and crossing the challenges and giving active participation independently. The above situation resulted rise of Microfinance or Microcredit that are globally recognised as an effective tool for empowerment among women by eradicating poverty. Microfinance has shown positive sensation result in many of the countries especially in India. At the same time, still there are number of challenges facing by poor people especially rural women while accessing loan from Microfinance Institutions.
In this paper, the study aims to shed light on its challenges and problem facing by rural women from Cash Por Microcredit which is in the small hamlet Tengra Morh of Varanasi District. The instrument for data collection is structured questionnaire on 50 women beneficiaries who are directly and indirectly associated with Cash Por Microfinance Institutions. Secondly Researcher efforted to explore some suggestions to Microfinance Institutions for better exploration so that they can make their life easily and better in terms of income generating and empowerment for obtaining equal opportunities.
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