Impact of Job in Managing Personal Life by Women Employees

  • Sofia Khan School of Management Sciences, Varanasi
  • Bhavana Singh School of Management Sciences, Varanasi
Keywords: Women Employees, Job Effect, Educational Institution


Women employees encounter a lot of challenges in their personal and professional life and if they do not care themselves then they won’t be able to balance their personal life with work. In light of this, the purpose of the present research article is to study the level of job effect in managing personal life of women employees with special reference to Educational Institutions in Varanasi.

Author Biographies

Sofia Khan, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi

Assistant Professor

Bhavana Singh, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi

Assitant Professor

How to Cite
Sofia Khan, & Bhavana Singh. (2022). Impact of Job in Managing Personal Life by Women Employees . Management Insight, 18(01), 67-72.