Evaluation of Leadership Style and Theories in Context with Contemporary Organization

  • Ratish C. Gupta, Avani Mehta Daly College Business school, Affiliated to De Montfort University UK
Keywords: Leadership Style, Management, Organisation Culture, Situational Leadership, Transformational Leadership


Leadership principles are the basis on which an effective leadership functions. There are many different leadership principles which
different companies adhere to in order to maximize their impact on the success of their business. Usually, people get confused with the
term leadership and management. Management is the process of planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling the activities of
an organisation. An individual should be proficient technically while developing a sense of responsibility towards workers and being
accountable for the actions taken place. Organizations require robust leadership and management for optimal organizational efficiency.
This paper will focus on various facets of leadership and its impact on organization culture
Key Words: Leadership Style, Management, Organisation Culture, Situational Leadership, Transformational Leadership

Author Biography

Ratish C. Gupta, Avani Mehta, Daly College Business school, Affiliated to De Montfort University UK

1Associate Professor, 2Research Scholar, Daly College Business School

How to Cite
Ratish C. Gupta, Avani Mehta. (2023). Evaluation of Leadership Style and Theories in Context with Contemporary Organization. Management Insight, 19(01), 95-99. https://doi.org/10.21844/mijia.19.1.10