An Investigation of Challenges and Opportunities for Indian Women Entrepreneur
Due to deeply rooted customs and a male-dominated sociocultural structure, Indian women face significant challenges in achieving equal
rights and roles. In any economy, entrepreneurs are essential because they use their abilities and initiative to foresee demands and provide
novel ideas to the market. Someone who takes on challenging jobs to attain financial independence and personal needs is considered a
woman entrepreneur. Although many women possess this trait, they are unaware of their true potential since they have never been given
the chance to display their skills. Mothers bear a greater responsibility in India for caring for their families and nurturing their children.
Women are often the ones in families who are responsible for efficiently organizing a variety of activities without experiencing
difficulties. The current study is concerned with the issues and difficulties encountered by Indian women business owners. Despite the
women's empowerment movement in our nation, women still lag when it comes to operating businesses. The primary problem is the lack
of an environment that encourages entrepreneurship, but women also face social, cultural, and financial obstacles. Despite their aptitude
and talent, women lack access to opportunities, knowledge, and education. The male-female competitiveness, women's family
responsibilities, gender inequity, financial difficulties, and low risk-taking mentality are a few of the main issues noted. To support
women's enterprises in maintaining favourable working conditions, the State and Central governments have launched some
empowerment initiatives.