Exploring the Influence of Flow Experience on Entrepreneurial Success: Enhancing Creativity, Productivity, and Fulfillment

  • Poonam Patel Assistant Professor, Ashoka School of Business, Varanasi
  • Anjana Singh Assistant Professor, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi
Keywords: Flow experience, entrepreneurial success, creativity, productivity, personal fulfillment, innovation


The influence of flow experiences on creativity, productivity, and personal fulfillment are the main areas of focus for this study, which
investigates their relationship to entrepreneurial success. Based on contemporary research in entrepreneurship and Csikszentmihalyi's
theory of flow, this study takes a qualitative approach using secondary data gathered from a review of relevant literature. According to the
research, entrepreneurs that experience flow often report increased levels of creativity, more effective decision-making, and greater levels
of satisfaction with their entrepreneurial journey. The study has useful implications for entrepreneurs looking to harness flow for longterm success and adds to the expanding corpus of research on positive psychological states in business. Entrepreneurs can achieve greater
levels of creativity, productivity, and well-being by strengthening their flow, which will ultimately lead to long-term business success.

How to Cite
Poonam Patel, & Anjana Singh. (2024). Exploring the Influence of Flow Experience on Entrepreneurial Success: Enhancing Creativity, Productivity, and Fulfillment. Management Insight, 20(01), 51-55. https://doi.org/10.21844/mijia.20.1.6