Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: The Role of Social Media in Enhancing Financial and Professional Achievement

  • Aijaz Ahmed Research Scholar Department of Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies, AMU
Keywords: Digital technology, Conventional media decline, Web 2.0, E-commerce, M commerce, User-centric strategies, Digital Marketing, Qualitative research, Semi-structured interviews, IInteractive opportunities


The rise of digital technology and internet-based tools has precipitated a notable decline in the traditional media landscape, encompassing television, radio, newspapers, and magazines.  This shift is primarily attributed to the pervasive use of Web 2.0 platforms, facilitating instant access to real-time information and fostering a globally interconnected environment. Within this paradigm, digital marketing and online commerce have flourished through the proliferation of e-commerce and m-commerce platforms, deploying diverse strategies predicated on a user-centric, interconnected technological framework. Over the past two decades, leveraging the Internet and the World Wide Web has birthed a new media era, with marketers harnessing its potential as both a communication medium and a platform for ongoing dialogue. Central to marketing strategy is an outward-in approach, wherein consumer desires, and expectations are meticulously analyzed, guiding a journey inward to unearth the essence of a brand’s identity and identify opportunities for value addition. Methodologically, a qualitative
approach employing semi Structured interviews was utilized to explore the nuanced experiences of diverse women. This method offered flexibility in questioning and depth of inquiry while providing a coherent framework for addressing research inquiries. Moreover, the semi-structured format afforded respondents the latitude to delve into pertinent issues, fostering interactive exchanges between researcher and participant, thereby maximizing opportunities for nuanced insights.
