Information For Authors
Author Responsibilities
There are certain obligations that rest upon you as the author.
- You would promptly address any inquiries that arise during the review and publication process.
- Take full responsibility for every part of your work. This entails examining and resolving any inquiries regarding the precision or integrity of the research.
- Maintain confidentiality in your discussions with the journal editor until an editorial decision has been reached.
Authors Rights
The below table explains the rights that authors have when they publish with CRR. These apply to the corresponding author and all co-authors. Author had following rights over his published work in CRR Journal;
- Appropriate recognition and acknowledgment for their published work
- Utilise their own material in new works without obtaining permission or providing compensation (but fully acknowledging the original article):
- Elaborate an article to the length of a book.
- Incorporate an article into a subsequent compilation of their own work.
- Utilise sections, extracts, and their own visual representations or charts in subsequent publications.
- Distribute the preprint on any website or repository without any restrictions.
- Distribute the approved manuscript on non-commercial platforms for public access.
- Disseminate the published article to the public.
- Maintain ownership of intellectual property rights.
Copyrights of Author(s)
Every author whose work is approved receives an email containing a link to a copyright license form. Please ensure that the accuracy of this document is verified, including the verification of up-to-date contact and affiliation details, as well as the accurate spelling of your name. Once verified, please submit the document to us electronically. If you are unable to grant copyright to us, please communicate this matter with your journal content editor. The contact details of the editorial team can be found in the section above.
Changes to Authorship
Prior to paper submission, authors are required to thoroughly decide upon the list and sequence of authors and subsequently provide the final and authoritative list of authors. Any modification, removal, or reordering of author names in the list of authors should only be done prior to the acceptance of the paper and with the explicit approval of the journal Editor. In order to initiate such a modification, the Editor must be provided with the following documents from the author in question:
a) The cause for the alteration in the list of authors
b) Written verification (by email or letter) from all authors indicating their consent for the inclusion, exclusion, or reordering.
Regarding the addition or removal of authors, it is necessary to obtain confirmation from the author who is being added or removed. The Editor will only consider adding, deleting, or rearranging authors after the submission has been accepted in extreme circumstances. The publication of the manuscript will be halted, during such decision-making process of changing authorship. If the manuscript has already been published in an online issue, any requests that are approved by the Editor will lead to the publication of a corrigendum.