Digital Banking: Transforming Consumer Habits in the Modern Financial Landscape

  • Neeti Sharma JIMS, Engineering Management Technical Campus, Greater Noida
  • Brahmdev Singh JIMS, Engineering Management Technical Campus, Greater Noida
Keywords: Online banking, customer behaviour, financial management, banking services.


Knowing how digitalisation affects consumer behaviour is crucial as it continues to change the banking services industry.
This study looks into the relationship between customers' use of online banking and their financial management techniques
in Delhi NCR. The study employed a primary research approach with a sample size of 123 respondents to investigate the
motivations behind online banking use and how it influences financial decision-making. The results indicate that consumers
primarily use online banking because of its exceptional ease of use, using it for both transactions and more general financial
management needs. The study does, however, point out some limitations, the most significant of which being the time limits
that were present during the data gathering process, which might have impacted how thorough the results were. By
illuminating the subtleties of consumer behavior in the context of online financial services, this study adds to the growing
conversation on online banking. It also highlights the need for more study to completely understand the intricate
mechanisms underlying online banking and how they impact financial practices.
